
Additionally, it does not cause weight gain since it is low in fat and calory. It does not cause weight gain.

Its folic acid is a group B vitamin soluble in water. It is a type of Vitamin B which has an important role for the growth and development of cellular structures, blood cells and neural system tissues. It plays a role in DNA production.

Folic acid is important for the development of babies and provides many functions in the body such as protein synthesis, cellular reproduction, enhancing the function of bone marrow.

Fetal growth and development period is characterised by rapid cellular reproduction. Since its critical role in the production of DNA and RNA, it is crucial to ensure the required folic acids are taken.

It has low glycemic index value.

Product Properties

Contents Durum wheat semolina, Niasin, Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, Folic Acid
Duration 8-10 minutes
Storage Conditions Dry, cool, odourless environment away from sun.
Shelf Life 2 years starting from the date of production.
Weight in Grams 500 g
Internal Packaging Code 869 0576 529412
Amount in Box 20 Pieces
Box Type Cardboard Box
Box Barcode 0869 0576 533419

Packaging Types

Nutritional Values

Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibres Salt
357 Kcal Kj. 10,7g (min) 73,3g Gr. 1,7g Gr. 2,9g Gr. 0,004g Gr.

Vitamin Values (mg / 100 g)

Thiamin (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Niasin Folic Acid Iron
0,88-1,10 0,37-0,49 5,95-7,50 0,20-0,26 2,90-3,60

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