Barley Noodles with Meat


  • 1 glass of Nuh'un Ankara Makarnasi Barley Noodles
  • 1 bowl of boiled green peas
  • 1 carrot (peeled and chopped into cubes)
  • 250 gr mutton
  • 2 glasses of water or meat broth
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • 2 tablespoon of butter
  • Salt
  • Black pepper


  1. We start by roasting 250 gr of mutton.
  2. We turn the stove to low so that meat can cook better and then we close it off.
  3. While our meat is cooking, we start chopping the vegetables.
  4. We start by chopping our carrot into pea-sized pieces. We add carrot to the meat.
  5. We add a bowl of green peas to the pot.
  6. After our meat has cooked for 1-2 minutes with the vegetables, we add barley noodle into the pot.
  7. We add 1 teaspoon of salt and mix.
  8. We add 2 tablespoons of butter.
  9. We roast our barley noodle.
  10. Barley noodles are roasted.
  11. We add 2 glasses of water into the pot, we put its lid and we let our pilav cook.
  12. After 15 minutes, our pilav is done.
  13. Delicious and nutritious pilav is ready to serve. Bon appetit!

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