Strawberry Cake


  • 40 Gr. Nuh'un Ankara Wheat Bran
  • 100 Gr. Flour
  • 10 Gr. Baking Powder
  • 2 Eggs
  • 40 Gr. Sugar
  • 150 Ml. Milk
  • 50 Gr Butter
  • 250 Gr. Instant Cake Cream
  • Vanilla
  • 300 Gr. Strawberry
  • Fresh Mint


  1. First, we break our eggs into the bowl and mix them, and stir them by adding sugar, flour, baking powder and at last, milk.
  2. After adding wheat bran, we continue to mix them until they are homogenous. At last, we add butter.
  3. After we heat up our pan, we place our mixture into the pan one spoon at a time.
  4. After they are cooked, we put cream on top and place strawberries. We repeat the same process to add another layer.

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